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February 22, 2022 Letters

We want to share some important steps that we have taken to share the District’s voice with state leaders, based on direction given to the Superintendent at last Tuesday’s Board meeting with unanimous support from the trustees.
On this webpage you will find four documents:
  • Links to three letters sent out earlier today addressed to state and local leaders regarding the topic of the current mask mandate that is in place for schools across the state.
  • A copy of the letter that is the notice the District received from Northern California ReLIEF, which addresses the District’s requirement to comply with mask mandates, and the consequences that may ensue if the District does not follow the mandate. 
We want to reiterate what the Board of Education and Superintendent shared on Tuesday night: We hear you, we understand, and we are empathetic to the challenges that mask mandates impose on the education of our students. The Board agreed to continue following the direction set by the California Department of Public Health AND the Board asked the Superintendent to notify state leaders of this untenable situation. Additionally at the meeting, the Board of Education authorized the Superintendent to immediately implement any changes in mask policies from the state and/or county, when the experts determine it to be safe and changes are announced.
We thank all of you for your continued trust and patience through these very trying times.
updated 2/24/22