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Technology Procurement Process

The San Ramon Valley Unified School District has specific standards for technology purchases which are created to meet the needs of users as well as our network configuration.  Please follow the steps outlined below for all technology purchases. If you need additional information about specifications, please contact Helen Burrows at 925-552-2951. All questions regarding purchasing procedure should be directed to
Step 1
Go to SRVUSD School Ordering Guide website                                                                                                           (District credentials required)
Step 2
Select appropriate recommended item or configuration.  For items that are not listed on the School Technology Ordering Guide, please contact the Technology Department (552-2951).  Prior approval from the Technology Department is required for the purchase of any item not on the approved list of technology devices.  
Step 3
If there is a vendor listed as in the example below, submit a requisition via QSS with the quotation.
Example 1: Vendor and pricing listed
Vendor: CDW                     Quote# 1BHPMLS                             Date: 11/20/14
Price: $188.09
Description:  Black and white printer, A4/legal, 1200X1200 dpi, up to 40 ppm, 300 sheet capacity, USB 2.0, LAN
CDW# 2735902                  MFG# HL5450DN
Price: $63.83
Description: Black toner cartridge
Part#2748186                                   Mfg. # TN720
If there is no vendor listed as in the example below, select “BEST VENDOR – vendor #99999”, copy and paste description to the QSS requisition. Include EXPLICIT details such as delivery-by date, quantities, description, mfg. part #s, unit of measure, estimated price, etc.
Example 2: No vendor identified
Recommended for Teachers and/or Administrators
Price:  Approximately $870.00
Required:  Recycling fee $4.00
Description:  Hard drive 256SSD SATA; Processor Intel Core i5; RAM 8GB 1600 DDR3L; Operating System Window 8 Pro; Wireless 802.11ac; Display 15.6" LCD with webcam; DVD
Additional items to consider
  • REQUIRED CAL Licensing must be purchased for every computer using the Imaging Request Form (do not include the licensing on the purchase requisition)
    • $29.62 (for teacher or admin devices)
    • 4.49 (for student devices)
Electronic Waste Recycling Fee

Electronic Waste Recycling Fee

 Jan 1, 2013 Forward
More than 4” but less than 15”
At least 15” but less than 35”
35” or more
  • Additional license (i.e. Google OS management license for Chromebooks). Licenses and warranties are not taxable.
  • Accessories
  • Carts
Step 5
Following the approval of all required signatories, the requisition will be processed accordingly by the Purchasing Department.  Purchasing Department will consult with the requesting school site or department if questions arise.  Following the processing of a requisition, the requesting school site or department shall receive a copy of the purchase order verifying the vendor and final pricing, and that the order has been awarded, placed and committed.
*NOTE:  Required bids and quotes may necessitate more processing time than normal.
Please confer with your site computer technician on all technology purchases as well as other departments that may need to be notified in case of facility upgrades, proper electrical capacity, furniture or security.