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San Ramon Valley Unified School District is a 1:1 device school district. Each enrolled student is provided with a portable device to enhance the learning experience and to meet the goals outlined in the strategic directions and district technology plan.
One to One Device Distribution
Device Distribution

Device Distribution

By Grade Level

Grade Span Device Ownership
TK-1 iPad Classroom (device assigned by teacher to each student)
2-4 Chromebook Classroom (device assigned by teacher to each student)
5 Chromebook Devices are initially in the classroom and then gradually assigned to students and released to go home.
6-12 Chromebook Device is assigned to student
Special Education Students Device issued by their grade level.  A student's IEP team may determine that a different device is required based on student's individual needs.  After consultation with special education staff, a variation may be made based on student assessment of learning needs.

Yearly Distribution

Charts below show the distribution of devices over 5 years. 
(The age of the device is in parenthesis. )
Device Lifespan1
Device refresh plan
Device Requirement

Device Requirement

The district will be providing all devices needed at school.  Students may not bring their own device unless there is a prior agreement.
  • 4-8GB of RAM
  • 32 GB hard drive
  • Touch screen
  • Meets all CAASPP testing requirements.
  • Devices will be monitored by the Google Admin console and Securly.