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Elementary Math

Middle School Math

The College and Career Ready pathway for middle school mathematics includes Courses 1, 2, and 3 from the California Framework for Mathematics and the Common Core State Standards.
Students enrolled in Courses 1, 2, and 3 can access Springboard Mathematics in Classlink
There are multiple advancement opportunities in middle and high school for students wishing to advance in math, although it is not required to do so to reach higher level mathematics classes in high school.
See SRVUSD Math Pathways for more information.
For more information about Middle School Math Pathways and Math Advancement options, register for one of our Parent Information Nights with the links at the bottom of this page.

Math Advancement Program (MAP)

Incoming 6th Grade Students 

Course 1 Placement
In 2025-26, all 6th-grade students will automatically be placed into Grade 6, Course 1 math, unless acceleration is desired. 
Course 1 is appropriate for most students, and a majority of our students take Course 1 as 6th graders.
No action needs to be taken for a Course 1 placement.
Course 2 Placement (Acceleration Pathway) for incoming 6th grade students:
Current 5th grade students interested in advancing to Course 2 as a 6th grader can take the 50-question math placement assessment to demonstrate their mastery of the 6th grade, Course 1 math standards. See the CA standards here, which include highlighted standards that are more heavily addressed in the assessment. 
The assessment will be given at elementary school sites after school on Wednesday, March 26.  Results will be shared with parents within 3 weeks of the assessment date. 
Assessment results, including how students performed on the exam, will be sent to parents within three weeks of the assessment date. 
  • A student scoring less than 80% on the assessment will be recommended to take Course 1 in 6th grade.
  • A student scoring between 80%-89% on the exam will be recommended to take Course 2 in 6th grade. 
  • A student scoring 90% or higher on the exam will be recommended to take Course 2 in 6th grade and will be offered the opportunity to complete Course 2 over the summer with the possibility of beginning 6th grade in Course 3 (MAP).
More information about the assessment will be shared via email by elementary principals and on school and district websites in February 2025.
Middle school acceleration is not necessary for students to access college-ready math courses in high school.
See the SRVUSD High School Math Pathways charts for more information about math classes available in our high schools.

Incoming 7th and 8th Grade Students
Summer Advancement through MAP

All incoming 7th and 8th grade students will automatically be placed in the next consecutive math course.
Course 2 and Course 3 are appropriate for most students, and a majority of our students take Course 2 as 7th graders and Course 3 as 8th graders. 
No action needs to be taken for a 7th grader to be placed into Course 2 or for an 8th grader to be placed in Course 3.
Current 6th and 7th grade students interested in advancing to Course 3 or Algebra 1 for 2025-26 can engage in the summer MAP courses. These online, self-directed courses cover Course 2 CA State Standards or Course 3 CA State Standards
  • Current 6th graders currently taking Course 1 have the opportunity to participate in Course 2 over the summer.
  • Current 6th or 7th graders currently taking Course 2 have the opportunity to participate in Course 3 over the summer. 
  • If your student would like to participate in the Math Advancement Program, a registration link will be available April 14 through April 30 at 4:00 pm.
  • Summer courses are offered online and are self-directed. To successfully complete the courses, students should enjoy math and have the drive to work through 1-2 hours of self-paced math lessons every day. Students will have from May 7 to July 24, 2025, to complete the online Course 2 or Course 3. Please note that there will be no extensions available for summer MAP course completion. The results of summer MAP courses impact fall schedules, so we are unable to offer any extensions.
  • Students need to complete the summer course with an overall grade of 80% or higher in order to be recommended for the next level course. When a student completes the course, we communicate the information to middle school counselors to ensure accurate placement for the fall.
This MAP presentation offers additional information. 
See SRVUSD High School Math Pathways for more information. 

MAP Timeline: 2025

  • Beginning of January 2025: SRVUSD school sites email families regarding middle school math placement.
  • February 26: 5th Grade Parent/Caregiver Math Information Night (virtual)
  • February 27: 6th & 7th Grade Parent/Caregiver Math Information Night (virtual)
  • March 26: 5th Grade Advancement Assessment offered at elementary school sites.
  • April 14 at 7:30 am: Registration form for MAP opens
  • April 30 at 4:00 pm: Registration form closes 
  • May 7 - July 24: Students enrolled in MAP must complete self-paced coursework through Edgenuity.
  • August (6th graders): Students are placed into appropriate courses based on completion of MAP or results of 5th grade assessment. 
  • August (7th & 8th graders): Students are placed into appropriate courses based on completion of MAP.

High School Math

Click on the links below for more information on the following subjects:
See SRVUSD Math Pathways for more information.

Eight Mathematical Practices

Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.
Model with mathematics.
Use appropriate tools strategically.
Attend to precision.
Look for and make use of structure.
Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
2025 Math Advancement Program (MAP) Timeline

See more information in the MAP tab above.



Tiffany Zammit
Math Coordinator
Debbie Petish
Executive Director, Curriculum & Instruction