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School personnel has a responsibility to identify children who have exceptional needs and refer them for assessment. Teachers and parents are encouraged to join in the identification and referral to the local school staff for assessment. Parents questioning their child's progress, either developmentally or academically, should first request a conference with the teacher. After this conference, the parent and teacher may decide to bring the child to the attention of the Student Study Team.

Student Study Team

The Student Study Team (SST) is a school site team that reviews an individual student's strengths and areas of concern. The SST is a function of the general education system and can assist any student. The SST plans strategies and organizes resources for readdressing problems and concerns about a student. The SST may suggest interventions to the student's program and/or refer the student for a special education assessment.


A referral to Special Education may be made by a teacher, staff member or parent involved with a student's educational growth. Service may be provided for children from birth to age twenty-one. Teachers and parents are encouraged to use the SST process as an early step when they have a concern.  The referral indicates the suspected area(s) of disability, provides school history and documents the interventions that have been tried and proven unsuccessful prior to making a referral. Receipt by the school of the request of assessment officially begins the special education time line. An assessment plan will be developed and the family contacted within fifteen (15) days. The parent/guardian has fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of receiving the Assessment Plan to consent to the plan and return it to the school staff.




The SRVUSD Parent Handbook was created to help parents navigate through the Special Education process, answer questions you might have and to offer some resources for families.