GATE Testing
CogAT Information
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CogAT Information
2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR
The CogAT will be administered to 2nd graders once during the 2024-2025 school year. The window for testing will be in February 2025. Sites will send more information to families regarding the same. Please reach out to your student's school site if you have any additional questions.
CogAT retest info for next school year 2025-26 will be posted sometime in August 2025. Please check back later for more information.
San Ramon Valley Unified School District (SRVUSD) uses the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) to measure the reasoning skills of students in the elementary grade level. Currently it is also used to identify students eligible for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). This test consists of three areas which measure verbal, quantitative and nonverbal reasoning. Students with a National Age Percentile Rank (APR) of 98 or above will be identified as GATE. Additionally, students with National Age Percentile Rank (APR) of 97 and have scored a 99 in one of the three areas (Verbal, Quantitative or Nonverbal) will be identified as GATE. The results of CogAT are also used for eligibility for the Academic Talent Program (ATP) selection process. To learn how CogAT is used for ATP eligibility, please go to the ATP webpage.
Because the CogAT is not related to grade level standards, teachers do not use the results to assess students' progress at school. CogAT results have no impact on students’ access to accelerated, honors, or advanced courses in future years. Because the CogAT content is challenging and is used for the purpose of GATE identification, the testing may not be necessary for all students. In particular, it may cause anxiety in some students and not be in their best interest to participate. Our district does not recommend any materials for CogAT preparation. Students are encouraged to take the CogAT with minimal test preparation so that we get an accurate measure of the students' reasoning skills.
All 2nd grade students are provided an opportunity to take the CogAT at their school. Parents of 2nd grade students may exempt their child from taking the CogAT by contacting their child's teacher.
For the 2024-2025 school year, 2nd grade CogAT results will be posted in the parent portal after spring break.
Previously identified gifted students who enter SRVUSD are considered for GATE identification as determined by the SRVUSD's GATE identification criteria. Parents should provide their student’s GATE identification paperwork to their school office. The paperwork needs to include: 1. Document that certifies that the student was in a gifted program, and 2. Name of assessment measure(s) and student’s scores used to qualify the student for GATE. Please email documentation to Ramaa Ravi at
For GATE questions, please contact Tiffany Tano
District Contact Information
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District Contact Information

Kit Bragg, Director
Assessment, Research, and Evaluation
Educational Services
Educational Services
Phone: 925-552-2967
Administrative Secretary: Tiffany Tano, 925-552-5032
Educational Services Technical Analyst: Ramaa Ravi, 925-552-5031