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July 2018
Clerestory windows in Wings 2, 3 and 4 were replaced Summer 2018.  The Modernization project is out to bid with a Contractor to be selected in August and construction to begin late August, early September.
October 2017
Drawings and specifications were submitted to the Department of State Architect (DSA) in fall 2017 and are scheduled to be approved in early 2018.
Summer 2019 
  • Completion of Modernization of Wings 1, 2, 3 & 4 including new technology, flooring, paint, window coverings, doors, casework
  • Perimeter fencing
  • ADA compliant pathway throughout campus
  • Modifications to the Administration building for security
  • Exterior paint on renovated wings
  • Infrastructure for security camera system
Green Valley Elementary Modernization