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Neil Armstrong Elementary School Seismic Upgrades
Completion Date: August 2014
Architect: HKIT Architects
Contractor: Sausal Corporation
Estimated Cost: $2,229,347
Project Manager:
Rick Kendrick:
In 1999 the State of California passed Assembly Bill 300 which required a survey of the State’s files on all school buildings. Buildings shown to be of certain construction types were deemed a possible risk in a seismic event and were recommended for evaluation by a Structural Engineer. Voluntary seismic upgrades at Neil Armstrong Elementary School involved the addition of concrete grade beams at every column and the wrapping of every column with carbon fiber reinforced fabric.  The structural upgrades triggered ADA upgrades at the site, necessitating some walkway replacement and doorway renovations.  The project was originally scheduled for two summers, but was re-evaluated with contractor input and was completed in the summer of 2014. The project was under budget.
Timelines and Updates

Timelines and Updates

August 2014: Project is completed.

June 2014: Construction begins.


May 2014: Project is approved by DSA. In anticipation of this approval, the Facilities Development Department was already receiving pricing from contractors in order to start the project at the end of the school year. Approval of the contract took place at the May 20, 2014 board meeting.