Career and Job Opportunities - Work in SRVUSD today!
SRVUSD is currently hiring for a variety of Classified and Certificated positions. View specific information and postings at the bottom of this page. All job applications must be submitted online at
SRVUSD is currently hiring for a variety of Classified and Certificated positions. View specific information and postings at the bottom of this page. All job applications must be submitted online at![]()
SRVUSD is currently hiring for a variety of Classified and Certificated positions. View specific information and postings at the bottom of this page. All job applications must be submitted online at

Certificated positions require a Credential from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
These positions include:
- Teacher
- Counselor
- Speech Therapist
- School Psychologist
- Nurse/Health Educator

Classified positions do not require a teaching credential.
These types of positions include:
- Clerical
- Accounting
- Technology
- Instructional Assistant
- Child Nutrition
- Custodial/Maintenance
- Vehicle Operation
Management, Confidential, and Professional Administrative Employees
We also have management, confidential and professional administrative employees. Some of these positions are Certificated and some are Classified. These employees do not belong to a union. They include Principals, Managers, Directors, Coordinators, Specialists, etc.
SRVUSD is an equal opportunity employer.
We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating
an inclusive environment for all employees.
an inclusive environment for all employees.