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Essential standards are a carefully selected subset of the total list of grade‐specific and course‐specific standards within each content area that students must know and be able to do by the end of each school year in order to be prepared to enter the next grade level or course (Ainsworth, Rigorous Curriculum Design, 2010). The SRVUSD essential standards were selected by teachers through an extensive collaborative process. 
Essential Standards do not represent all that teachers will teach or assess. They represent the minimum skill level a student must have to reach high levels of learning. A student’s grade may reflect progress toward standards not deemed essential but considered to be the building blocks to the broader essential standard.  


In San Ramon Valley Unified School District, course content encompasses the California Common Core State Standards. In courses where the State has not provided standard guidance, we have developed our own rigorous standards. The standards give clear expectations on what students need to know and be able to do in every subject area and in every grade level. 


The San Ramon Valley Unified School District Technology Standards and Benchmarks define the essential knowledge and skills that students should acquire: basic operations and concepts, social and ethical issues; and productivity, communication, and research tools. The strength of these standards is the cohesion they bring to the K-12 curriculum. This standards document is not a curriculum guide. It does not reflect the order, method, or time spent teaching any topic at a grade level. Instead, these standards reflect the nature of the discipline and are intended to drive curriculum and assessment decisions. The technology skills in this document are intended to be an integral tool for learning and communicating within the context of the academic areas, not skills to be taught in isolation. Technology is a powerful tool with enormous potential to provide learning opportunities to all students. The wise use of technology can enrich learning environments and enable students to achieve greater skills and learn in ways not previously possible. Technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions - as accessible as all other classroom tools. Because of the rapid evolution in technology, this document must remain dynamic.