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Standard 1: Students Will communicate in Languages other than English

Benchmark 1.1
Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning   Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Engage in basic conversation
Incorporate appropriate gestures into conversations.
Converse using language and behaviors that are appropriate to the setting.
Express basic personal needs.
Create simple descriptions within a context.
Create detailed oral descriptions within a context.
Express likes and dislikes.
Define and qualify likes and dislikes.
Exchange personal feeling and ideas for the purpose of persuading others.
Express agreement and disagreement.
State and briefly support an opinion.
Describe a problem.
Make suggestions and recommendations.
Express individual perspectives and defend opinions
Collaborate to develop and propose solutions to problems.
Negotiate a compromise.
Exchange basic information
Exchange information with peers and others.
Initiate, sustain, and conclude conversations on a wide variety of topics.
Ask and answer simple questions.
Provide and request clarification within a limited range of topics.
Use different ways to express the same idea (circumlocution),
Ask and respond to open-ended questions.
Use a variety of language strategies to convey meaning (short, responsive comments; pause fillers; circumlocution).
Make and respond to simple requests or commands
Give and follow directions in a familiar context
Give and follow directions in an unfamiliar situation.
Articulate the sounds of the target language.
Articulate the sounds of the target language with some degree of clarity.
Converse with clarity and fluency.
Benchmark 1.2
Students understand and interpret written language on a variety of topics.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Respond appropriately to simple written directions, instructions, and/or commands.
Respond appropriately to a series of directions, instructions, and commands.
Respond appropriately to complex directions, instructions, and commands intended or native speakers.
Identify a person or object based on simple written descriptions
Respond appropriately to complex written descriptors.
Analyze information based on complex written descriptors.
Read and respond to developmentally appropriate material
Use auditory, visual, and context clues to derive meaning.
Apply diverse strategies to derive meaning and detail from unfamiliar material.
Use phonetic analysis strategies to acquire meaning from text.
Use structural analysis strategies to acquire meaning.
Continue development of phonetic analysis.
Use structural analysis to identify increasingly complex word families and patterns.
Use a variety of comprehension strategies to decipher and interpret text.
Comprehend and respond to simple personal written communications such as notes, invitations, or letters.
Comprehend and respond to formal written communications such as business or official documents.
Respond appropriately to mood and implied meaning (i.e., sarcasm, humor, iron) of written communication.
Identify main ideas and key words in written material.
Identify the main idea with supporting details in written material
Interpret and analyze the main idea and significant details from authentic materials and a variety of written sources.
Research and synthesize information from a variety of written sources.
Use a simplified dictionary or glossary to facilitate comprehension
Use a bilingual dictionary to facilitate comprehension
Use a monolingual dictionary in target language to facilitate comprehension.
Benchmark 1.3
Students understand and interpret spoken language on a variety of topics
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning  Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Respond appropriately to simple written directions, instructions, and/or commands.
Respond appropriately to a series of directions, instructions, and commands.
Respond appropriately to complex directions, instructions, and commands intended or native speakers.
Make an identification based on simple oral description.
Respond appropriately to complex oral descriptors.
Analyze information based on complex oral descriptors.
Respond to speech of leets and familiar adults on a given topic.
Respond to speech of persons sympathetic to second-language learners
Respond to speech of native speakers who are not used to communicating with second-language learners.
Identify auditory, visual, and context clues in oral presentations and /or recorded materials
Use auditory, visual , and context clues to derive meaning from oral presentations and/or recorded materials
Apply diverse strategies to derive meaning and detail from oral an/or recorded presentations on unfamiliar topics.
Identify main ideas and key words in oral material.
Comprehend speech on familiar topics with some repetition.
Summarize or restate secondary conversations.
Benchmark 1.4
Students convey information, concepts, and ideas to listeners for a variety of purposes.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning  Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Give simple directions, commands
and instructions orally
Explain a process based on prior knowledge and/or experience.
Explain a complex process incorporating detailed instructions.
Give a description orally using simple phrases.
Give a description orally using complex sentences.
Give a description orally using complex, sentences and supporting details.
Summarize main idea of selected authentic and/or contexualized material.
Summarize and interpret information from authentic material to an audience
Analyze authentic media or literary samples and present it to an audience.
Formulate and defend a position on a researched issue.
Present prepared material to an audience.
Speak spontaneously on familiar topics.
Narrate present, past , and future events.
Speak spontaneously on current events or issues.
Elaborate on present, past and future events.
Respond to speech of peers and familiar adults on a given topic.
Respond to speech of persons sympathetic to second-language learners.
Respond to speech of native speakers who speak at normal speaking rate.
Benchmark 1.5
Students convey information, concepts, and ideas to readers for a variety of purposes.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Write simple directions, commands and instructions.
Describe, in writing, a process based on prior knowledge and/or experience.
Describe, in writing, a complex process incorporating detailed instructions.
Write a description orally using simple phrases.
Write a description orally using complex sentences.
Write a description orally using complex, sentences and supporting details.
Write a personal communication such as a note, letter, or invitation.
Write formal and informal letters or paragraphs.
Write multi-paragraph composition.
Summarize, in writing, the main idea of selected authentic and/or contexualized material.
Write a summary which interprets information from authentic material to an audience.
Write an analysis of authentic media or literary samples and present it to an audience.
Formulate and defend a position on a researched issue.
Present prepared material to an audience.
Write spontaneously.
Write about present, past , and future events.
Elaborate on present, past and future events.
Present a simple statement of opinion.
Establish and support a position, opinion, or focus
Establish, support, and elaborate a position, opinion, or focus.
Use phonetic strategies to spell; spells high-frequency words correctly.
Use standard phonetic spelling patterns; spells high-frequency words correctly on daily written work.
Correctly spell specialized content area vocabulary in written assignments.
Use a simplified dictionary or glossary to facilitate correct spelling.
Edit assignments for correct spelling.
Use a bilingual dictionary to facilitate correct spelling.
Edit assignments for correct spelling.
Spell correctly with limited use of a dictionary.
Edit assignments for correct spelling.

Standard 2: Students Will Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture

Benchmark 2.1
Students recognize that different languages us different patterns to communicate and can apply this knowledge to their own language and to the target language.
Students are able to:

Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Identify the sound patterns of the target language and compare them to the student's own language.
Apply, within limited contexts, the sound patterns of the target language.
Apply, in a variety of context, the sound patterns of the target language.
Identify and begin to use, within limited context, the structural patterns of the target language and compare them to the student's own language. (grammar and usage.)
Begin to apply more complex structural patterns of the target language
Use knowledge of structural patterns in both the target language and the student's own language to communicate effectively.
Identify and us simple idiomatic expressions of the target language
Compare and contrast idiomatic expression the target language and begin to integrate them into correct context.
Use idiomatic expressions of the target language in the correct context.
Identify connections among languages.
Explain the changing nature of languages.
Describe how languages influence each other.
Benchmark 2.2
Students recognize that different languages us different patterns of interaction and can apply this knowledge to their own culture.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Identify the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student's own culture using evidence from authentic sources.
Analyze the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student's own culture using evidence from authentic sources
Explain the significance of the similarities and differences between the target culture(s) and the student's own culture using evidence from authentic source.
Identify similar and different behavioral patters between the target culture(s) and the student's own culture.
Compare and contrast similar and different behavioral patters between the target culture(s) and the student's own culture
Use knowledge of similar and different behavioral patterns to interact effectively in a variety of social contexts in the target culture(s) and the student's own culture
Identify the contributions of the target culture(s) to the student's own culture.
Identify the contributions of the target culture(s) to the student's own culture.
Analyze the impact of the contributions of the target culture(s) on the student's own culture.
Identify the ways in which various cultures interact within the student's own community.

Standard 3: Students Will Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures

Benchmark 3.1
Students understand the relationship between the perspectives (meanings, attitudes, ideas, values,) and practices (patterns of social interaction) or cultures studied and use this knowledge to interact effectively in cultural contexts.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Identify and react to cultural perspectives and practices in the culture studied.
Describe and begin to analyze cultural characteristics and behaviors of everyday life.
Identify differences in cultural practices among same-language cultures.
Analyze the development of different cultural practices.
Compare and contrast cultural practices among same-language cultures.
Recognize and interpret language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.
Produce language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture.
Apply language and behaviors that are appropriate to the target culture in an authentic situation.
Identify some commonly held generalizations and stereotypes about the culture studied.
Analyze some commonly held generalizations and stereotypes about the culture studied.
Evaluate some commonly held generalizations and stereotypes about the culture studied.
Identify common words, phrases, and idioms that reflect the culture.
Understand the cultural connotations of common words, phrases, and idioms
Integrate culturally embedded words, phrases, and idioms into everyday communication.
Benchmark 3.2
Students understand the relationship between the perspectives (meanings, attitudes, ideas, values) and products/contributions (books, tools, food, art, laws, music, games) of the cultures studied.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Identify and relate to expressive products of the target culture (i.e., art, literature, music, dance),
Recognize major works of art, music, and/or literature of the target culture.
Discuss expressive products of the target culture: such as visual arts, architecture, literature, dance, and music.
Identify objects, images and symbols of the target culture.
Explain objects, images, and symbols of the target culture.
Analyze the cultural significance of objects, images, and symbols of the target culture.
Recognize the products/contributions of the target culture.
Analyze the contributions of the target culture.
Summarize the effects of the target culture's contributions on other societies.
Identify the products of the target country/countries
Identify the economic/social impact of the products on the world market.
Assess the economic/social impact of the products on the world market.
Identify the relationship between cultural perspectives and products/contributions as represented in expressive forms of the culture studied: such as art, literature, music, and dance.
Analyze the relationship between cultural perspectives and products/contributions as represented in expressive forms of the culture studied: such as art, literature, music, and dance.
Describe the target culture through its visual arts, architecture, literature, music, etc., using the target language.
Identify and explain how the needs, behaviors and beliefs of the culture are reflected in the products/contributions of the culture.
Discuss and analyze external factors which affect products and contributions.
Analyze contributions of diverse groups within the target culture.

Standard 4: Students Will Connect with other Disciplines and Acquire Information

Benchmark 4.1
Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through foreign languages.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Explain in simple terms basic concepts from other subject areas (i.e., weather, measurement).
Exchange information about topics from other school subjects in the target language.
Discuss topics from other school subjects in the target language.
Identify foreign language resources for use in other disciplines.
Analyze the information gathered through foreign language resources for use in other disciplines.
Locate foreign language resources and synthesize information for use in other disciplines.
Identify and apply, within a familiar context, information and skills common to the foreign language classroom and other disciplines.
Transfer and apply, within a limited context, information and skills common to the language classroom and other disciplines.
Apply, within a limited context, information and skills common to the language classroom and other disciplines.
Benchmark 4.2
Students acquire information and perspectives through authentic materials in the foreign languages and within the cultures.
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Find basic information in authentic materials.
Analyze and apply information from authentic materials
Acquire and synthesize information from authentic materials.
Use authentic sources to identify the perspectives of the target culture(s).
Use authentic sources to identify the perspectives of the target culture(s).
Use authentic sources to identify the perspectives of the target culture(s).

Standard 5: Students Will Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World

Benchmark 5.1
Students apply language skills and cultural knowledge both within and beyond the school setting
Students are able to:
Level 1: Beginning Level 2: Developing Level 3 and 4: Expanding
Identify the target language in the student's daily life.
Respond to the target language encountered in the student;s daily life.
Use authentic sources to identify the perspectives of the target culture(s).
Locate connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, and authentic sources.
Investigate connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, clubs, community organizations,and authentic sources.
Establish connections with the target culture through the use of technology, media, clubs, community organizations,and authentic sources.
Understand the role of the United States in the world arena as viewed by other cultures using authentic sources.
Understand the interdependence that exists between the student's own culture and the world.