Non-District Courses
Non-District courses may be completed for:
- Advancement: to get into a higher level course in the following academic year
- Enrichment: for personal interest; taking this course does not impact the student's schedule for next year
- Graduation Requirement Fulfillment: to replace taking a graduation requirement during the school year
Effective January 1, 2020, students may not use an online PE class to satisfy SRVUSD graduation requirements. - Remediation: to earn a higher grade for a course in which a D or F was originally earned
If there is any question as to whether or not a particular course that you are interested in taking is okay to use for high school credit, be sure to check with your counselor.
For information about the Summer Advancement Program, visit our Summer Advancement Via Outside Institution webpage.
It is the responsibility of the student/family to ensure that the Non-District Course (NDC) institution meets the following criteria:
- The institution is WASC/ASC or regionally accredited and offers coursework that leads to a high school diploma.
Institutions that have only Supplemental accreditation do not qualify (i.e. Art of Problem Solving, John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, Language Bird, etc.) - The institution is UC/CSU approved.
- The institution issues letter grades and academic credits for coursework.
- The institution issues official transcripts ("official academic record" or "official grade report" is not sufficient).
- It is the responsibility of the student/family to ensure that the NDC/institution meets the criteria listed above.
- Students wishing to remediate a grade of D or F may do so by enrolling in an equivalent NDC for high school credit. Both the original (SRVUSD) grade, as well as the remediated (NDC) grade, will appear on the SRVUSD transcript.
- Upon completion of the NDC, an official transcript showing course completion must be submitted to the Registrar at the student's high school. Transcripts must be sent directly from the institution via mail, email or fax to the student's high school. Alternatively, students may hand-carry an official (sealed) transcript to the main office at their high school. Students who would like the NDC posted to their high school transcript must also submit an "" form before the SRVUSD term deadline. Some schools have a site specific form. See contact information for site Registrars below.
- During the academic year, students must be enrolled in a minimum of five classes at their SRVUSD high school. A NDC can be taken as a sixth or seventh course.
- Students are able to put up to 40 credits of non-SRVUSD coursework on their their high school transcript, but are limited to 20 credits per academic year, and 20 credits in any given subject area.
- Post-secondary courses of 1-2 credits will earn five credits on the SRVUSD transcript; post-secondary courses of 3+ credits will earn ten credits on the SRVUSD transcript.
- All documents must be submitted to the student's school Registrar:
California High | Vinita Battu | / (fax: 925-828-1054) |
Dougherty Valley High | Brisa Jimenez | / (fax: 925-479-6486) |
Monte Vista High | Sarah Sirota | |
San Ramon Valley High | Kathleen O'Grady | / (fax: 925-838-7802) |
Venture Independent Study | Kelly Estes | |
Click on the link below to submit your form, stating your intent to take a Non-District Course for Advancement, Enrichment, Graduation Requirement Fulfillment, or Remediation.
Once a course is complete, students may request that it be added to their transcript via the Application to Place Credit on the SRVUSD Transcript: Please see below for the form at each school site:
Please note: Once a course has been placed on a student's SRVUSD transcript, it cannot be removed.
The completed Application to Place Credit on the SRVUSD Transcript and official transcripts should be submitted to the student's high school counseling office according to the deadlines below:
For 2024-2025
- By Friday, May 23, 2025: for students wishing to put a Spring 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript. For community college courses whose term ends later in May, the deadline is extended to May 30, 2025(applies to 9-11th grade students only)
For 2025-2026
- For current eighth grade students wishing to put a NDC on their high school transcript, the course must have been completed after June 5, 2025.
By Monday, August 11, 2025: for students wishing to use a NDC for advancement purposes. Please plan for shipping time: all transcripts should be ordered from the outside institution by August 8, 2025, to ensure delivery by this deadline.
By Friday, September 5, 2025: for students wishing to put a Summer 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript
By Friday, January 16, 2026: for students wishing to put a Fall 2025 NDC onto their SRVUSD transcript
- Spring 2026 NDC - TBD
Please note the Sample of Approved Outside Institutions for Non-District Courses is NOT a complete list. SRVUSD maintains data of students who have taken courses outside of our District and the following is a list of the most commonly used institutions. If you do not find your preferred institution on this list, it does not necessarily mean it is not approved.
In addition, it is the student's/parent's responsibility to verify that institutions still have the necessary accreditation and that courses are still UC approved by visiting the proper links prior to enrolling in a course. (Accreditation and UC approval can change from year to year.)
**Please note: UC Scout is approved for the UC system; however, it may not be accepted by private California colleges and out of state universities. Please verify with each college on the student's application list to ensure they will get credit for entrance requirements.
This list is NOT a complete list of courses that can be taken and may not include the most up-to-date approved courses. Institutions are submitting approvals for courses regularly; therefore, it would be impossible to compile a list that would include every course that could be taken. If there is a course that you would like to take but it is not listed, then be sure that the institution meets the requirements listed at the top of the webpage. If the institution/course does not meet even one of the above criteria, then it cannot be used for credit.
- Students are able to place up to 40 credits of non-SRVUSD coursework on their high school transcript but are limited to 20 credits per academic year, and 20 credits in any given subject area.
- Language School credits are not included in the 40-credit total.
- Courses taken at SRVUSD Summer School for remediation, high school graduation requirement completion, or summer advancement are not included in the 40-credit total.
- A 1 to 2 credit college course is the equivalent to 5 SRVUSD credits. A 3 credit course (or higher) is the equivalent to 10 SRVUSD credits.
- Students will have several opportunities to submit coursework for credit to be placed on the SRVUSD transcript. Deadlines will be updated each school year and posted on the district website.
- Once a non-SRVUSD course has been placed onto a student’s official SRVUSD transcript, it cannot be removed.
- A student taking a graduation requirement outside of SRVUSD (e.g. Algebra I) must place that grade on the transcript.
- It is the responsibility of the parent/student to determine if the non-District course is accepted by the UC/CSU system, private colleges and universities, out-of-state institutions, or NCAA as fulfilling entrance requirements. It is the responsibility of the parent/student to check with an admissions officer from each campus to which you intend to apply.
- Courses taken through providers that are WASC-accredited as Supplementary Ed will not be accepted for credit.
- SRVUSD will not proctor outside exams.
Eighth grade students are welcome to start (and complete) a course for advancement in the spring; however, If current eighth grade students wish for a summer course to be put on their high school transcript, they must complete the course after they promote from middle school, in the summer after eighth grade.
Algebra 1 is a graduation requirement, so it must be completed AFTER promotion from 8th grade.
According to School Board Policy:
- Grades from non-district courses will be weighted if:
a. The equivalent course is offered and weighted in SRVUSD or
b. A comparable course is not offered and the course being taken is transferable to the UC and/or CSU systems for college credit.