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Summer Advancement Via Outside Institution

2025-2026 Summer Advancement Application - Deadline 06/10/2025

Students are able to take courses to advance to a higher level course for the next school year beginning in the spring of each year.
The following criteria must be met:
  • Students may not begin a course until after the first day of the second semester of their 8th grade year (courses taken before then are not eligible).

  • Students in 8th grade cannot complete a course prior to the last day of school (June 5, 2025) regardless of whether or not the course is going to be placed on the SRVUSD transcript.
Note: If a student wants to take Algebra 1 outside of SRVUSD, the student must place the course onto their SRVUSD high school transcript and, therefore, cannot complete the course prior to the last day of eighth grade. 

  • Courses must be taken from institutions that meet these requirements:
    • The institution is WASC or regionally accredited and offers coursework that leads to a high school diploma
      Institutions that have only Supplemental accreditation do not qualify (i.e. Art of Problem Solving, John Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, UC Scout, Language Bird, etc.)
    • The institution is UC approved
    • The institution issues letter grades and official transcripts 
  • Students can only advance one level per subject, per year 

  • There is a limit of 4 classes (40 high school credits) that can be placed on the transcript over a student's four years in high school, with students being able to place only 20 credits per academic year, and a maximum of 20 credits in any given subject area.

  • It is up to the student/parent to confirm that the course/institution chosen meets NCAA eligibility requirements

  • If students have questions, they should confirm eligibility with their academic counselor prior to enrolling in the course. 


The link above is a fairly comprehensive list of courses and institutions that are most commonly used for Advancement purposes.  The information presented here is accurate.  However, it is the student's/parent's responsibility to verify that institutions still have the necessary accreditation and that courses are still UC approved by visiting the links provided in the document prior to enrolling in a course. Accreditation and UC approval can change from year to year.
If you have questions about a specific course or institution that you do not see on the list, confirm they have the necessary accreditation,  UC approval, and they issue letter grades and official transcripts.  If they do not meet these requirements, they probably are not acceptable.
**Please note:  UC Scout is approved for the UC system; however, it may not be accepted by private California colleges and out of state universities.  Please verify with each college on the student's application list to ensure they will get credit for entrance requirements.
DVC and all other California community colleges offer free tuition for any high school student.  Textbooks and other fees may apply.


Enrolling in the SRVUSD Summer Advancement Program is a multi-step process:

Step 1 Enroll in the advancement class at the desired institution
Step 2
Submit an SRVUSD Advancement Application, including required Proof of Enrollment documentation, due June 10 (see below)
  • A valid 6-digit student ID number is required. ID numbers can be found in the Parent Portal and/or on your student's school ID card
  • Upload required Proof of Enrollment documentation to the application
Proof of Enrollment must include all of the following:
  • Student's name
  • Name of the institution
  • Course name/number
    • If a course has two parts (i.e. GEOM 041 & GEOM 043), the Proof of Enrollment must include both courses
  • Proof that enrollment is complete/paid in full
    • Copies of Quarry Lane contracts are not acceptable. Ask for an Account Statement that reflects payment was completed.
Step 3
Submit an official transcript to the Registrar at your school site.
  • If the institution offers an email option to send directly to your school, this is acceptable and will be considered an official copy. (Transcripts emailed from a student/parent are not considered official.) 
  • Students who wish to post the outside course to their SRVUSD transcript must also submit the Application to Place Credit form available from your school registrar.
Submit all documents to your school's Registrar:
Vinita Battu  
Brisa Jimenez
Sarah Sirota
Kathleen O'Grady
Kelly Estes


This timeline applies for courses taken at all institutions.  
  • June 10 @ 11:59 pm - Advancement Application closes and Proof of Enrollments are due 
  • August 11 - Official transcripts are due to your high school counseling office.  Alternatively, If the institution offers an email option to send it directly to your school, this is acceptable and will be considered an official copy. (Transcripts emailed from a student/parent are not considered official.)  


Once an application has been submitted, it will be reviewed within 10 working days. Upon review, parents will receive an email notifying them of the status of their application. 
  • If the document that was submitted as the Proof of Enrollment was acceptable and all other information is complete and accurate, the application will be approved and parents will receive an email notification of the approval.
NOTE: Applications will NOT be approved without proof of enrollment for BOTH parts of two-part courses (i.e. - BYU GEOM 041 AND GEOM 043).
  • If the Proof of Enrollment document is missing, incorrect, or not sufficient, parents will receive an email stating that additional documentation is required.
Parents can sign in to their IK-12 application account to upload additional documents.
  • Parents can monitor the status of their application by signing in to their application.
The status of applications that require additional documentation will be listed as "Pending Approval" until the required documents have been received and reviewed.  Please allow 10 working days from submission of the additional documentation for processing. 
  • If proper documentation is not received by the June 10 deadline, the application will be canceled.
DVC and all other California community colleges offer free tuition for any high school student.  Textbooks and other fees may apply.